
Facial Cupping FAQ's

If you don't see the answer to your question, get in touch with us at customer service. 

What is facial cupping and why should I do it?

Facial cupping is super gentle and gets great results.  Cupping is unique because it pulls instead of pushes, like all other manual therapies.  When you can apply a small amount of suction to an area, it will pull fresh blood into the tissues, bringing needed nutrients and oxygen to the tissues and allowing for toxins to be removed.  As we age, our capillary walls thicken slightly, thus shrinking the overall capillary size a bit, which slows the rate of exchange of nutrients and wastes.  This can be noticeable on the face as the completion can become dull and not as vibrant as it was when we were younger.  Cupping is a great way to encourage healthy blood flow through the tissues and improve the overall complexion of the face.  

Why move the cups?

For the face, moving cupping is best.  The goal is to move the fluids and bring blood flow to the areas of the face, so we need to facilitate that movement with moving the cups.  Stationary cupping can be good in some instances, but generally ONLY moving cupping is done on the face. 

How do I do it?

We have created a video tutorial library to help get you started.


Will Facial Cups leave any marks on the skin?

No!  Absolutely not.  This is a much gentler version of cupping (not the attacked by an octopus look you may have seen with athletes dealing with pain) so there should never be any marks made on the skin.  The whole idea of facial cupping is to use super gentle suction under the cups (which increases nutrients, oxygen and blood flow to the tissues) but we don’t want to use very much suction at all.  It is normal to see the skin a little pink while treating as the overall complexion changes as we are increasing circulation, but the skin itself should never be marked after treatment.  If you are getting any marks, you are using too much pressure in the suction cups… lighten up!  

When gliding the cups over the skin, it should be really easy and effortless.  If the cup doesn’t want to move once you have done the initial squeeze of the bulb, redo the suction so it is done with less pressure before you try and move the cup. 

Does facial cupping hurt?

NO! These cups are super gentle and shouldn’t be uncomfortable in any way. If you feel any discomfort after you have squeezed the bulb and made the suction, then release the cup and try it again with less suction.  It should glide smoothly and easily over the skin while feeling relaxing. 

How hard to I squeeze the bulb?

Usually about a half squeeze does the trick but try a few different squeezes and see what works for you.  You want just enough suction to have the cup stay on the skin and move freely, but not enough to be painful in anyway when you try to move the cup.  If the cup doesn’t want to move once you have done the initial squeeze of the bulb, redo it right then with less pressure before you try and move the cup.  

Who shouldn’t do it?

It isn’t recommended to perform cupping over areas with broken capillaries, active breakouts of any kind or area with broken skin.  Cup around the areas, just not over them. 

How often should I do it?

We recommend facial cupping a few times a week for best results. 

Which sizes should I use for which parts of my face?

Our Qi Facial Cupping Set comes with 2 sizes.  

The small size cup is great for around the eyes, eyebrows, lips and working wrinkles

The medium size cup will work for the cheeks, forehead, and chin


What are the Qi Facial cups made from?

Our cups are made from glass.  Over the years we have tried pretty much all cups on the market and nothing beats a smooth glass cup for gliding and comfort.  The added bulb allow a variety of suctions to be possible with a simple squeeze.